RL360 Tim Kneale Team GB

Ovation PR

Shooting is one of the oldest Olympic sports, so when we were approached by RL360 to promote Double Trap Shooting World Record Holder, Tim Kneale’s visit to Dubai, prior the Olympic Games, we were ready to take on the challenge.

Ovation PR & Marketing created an afternoon shooting experience for local media and key RL360 clients at the renowned Jebel Ali Shooting Club.

Attended by senior sports journalists and financial editors from across the UAE, we managed an afternoon of media immersion and interviews with Q & A’s to the RL360 team and Quantum-sponsored Tim Kneale.

The event resulted in DPS features, full-page features and 1/4 paged editorials in leading UAE newspapers and publications, all on target with plenty of key messages.

Post-event the press release went on to achieved numerous editorial mentions and inclusions from wider media in both English and Arabic titles.

If you have a project in mind, feel free to get in touch.